Lower reactivity, increase connection, break stuck patterns

First in you, then in your people
Tools and training for Christians who want to be well

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God calls us into community, and people can be challenging

Without the right tools and support...

Reactivity and
Anxiety Spreads

are Strained

Problems are
Recurring and Stuck

We shouldn't have to trade well being for the sake of mission.  Capable Life has helped thousands of people experience relief and become more effective and relaxed while on mission.  Learn to manage your reactivity and strengthen all your relationships. 
At Capable Life, we want you to remain connected to yourself, to others, and to God, and we've developed a set of tools that we know can help!

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With Capable Life You'll Learn How To

Pay attention to anxiety in and around you

Identify your unique sources of anxiety that keep you spun up and reactive

Change the dynamic between you and others even if they DO NOT change

Learn to quiet the voice of your Inner Critic and lessen its grip

Become a guide, helping people get unstuck and free from toxic patterns

Identify traits passed down through your family of origin that help or hurt you

Discern types of critics and how to treat them differently

Notice and diffuse anxiety in a group. Move a group from anxious to calm

Understand how you can displace anxiety with The Gospel in the moment

Choose your path to relief

Get the Workbook - $28


Completely self contained, this workbook gives you access to everything you need to start learning how to manage anxiety and reactivity. It’s designed to be done with a group, but you can still benefit by going through this material individually. Prices reduce all the way to $12 per workbook for large groups

Get the Workbook

Get Access - $19/mo


The best value is to get yearly access to our complete library of online courses and masterclasses. You also get access to live Q&A with our coaches and monthly group challenges. Join thousands of people spanning across 21 countries who have used these tools to experience transformational change for just $19 a month

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Purchase Individual Courses


You can purchase individual courses if you don’t want access to our entire library. We offer individual courses and bundles starting at $19

Purchase a Course

We help you navigate four important relationships


Most people don't think about being in relationship with yourself, but getting this relationship right can help all your other relationships

Your People

These are all the people you interact with on a regular basis.  Because we're human, even our most precious relationships generate anxiety

Difficult People

Everyone knows difficult people.  Often we see other people as threatening or less than human.  God calls us to love everyone, which is easier said than done


We serve an invisible God.  The good news is that God is always pursuing us and we often need help remembring to look for him and worship  


Capable Life is fundamentally transforming my approach to ministry and to myself. It has helped me notice what’s going on inside of me, tune in to God’s presence with me, identify and turn from false beliefs within me, and actually be present for others—the very essence of my calling. I am a much better pastor because of Steve and his team. I highly recommend you join Capable Life!

Matthew Hoskinson


What is Capable Life About?

-Steve Cuss

Hi, I'm Steve, and I can help.

I created Capable Life to help leaders and parents:

  • Get relief from pressure.
  • Diagnose anxiety sources in themselves and their people.
  • Encounter God in profound ways while leading.

I am a Spiritual Care Professional in the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education. I hold Sixteen hundred hours of supervised ministry in CPE and an Masters degree focusing on Family Systems Theory and Theology

Know More About Me

In the age of the quick fix, this isn't one. However, you can begin implementing our tools and experience relief immediately. Long term transformation takes... longer. But once you learn to notice and name what's happening just under the surface in you and those around you, you can begin to relax into the freedom and peace of Jesus. But don't take our word for it, scroll up a bit and take a look at the testimonials of people who have used Capable Life to help them get relief.

Absolutely! Capable life has parents, business people, medical professionals, missionaries and pastors. Even if you aren't a positional leader in an organization, we all have a sphere of influence.

We first started Capable Life for Christian leaders because we know that if the leader is well, the whole team has a much better chance of being well. These tools were born from a theory called “Family Systems Theory” and can greatly benefit anyone who deals with home or work place dynamics.

We have 2 different coaches that provide a zoom once a month on either Mondays or Wednesdays. We also offer cohorts throughout the year.  Since we have a global audience, we provide both a morning and evening zoom option ranging from 9-11am MST and 2-6pm MST

No. Capable Life is legally designed for a single use license per subscription. Many teams sign their group up and assign videos for members to watch and then host their own team discussions.

It is common to spend years carrying triggers and pressures. This theory is not a magic bullet, but because it is relatively unknown and quite revolutionary in its approach, many people experience early breakthrough and relief.

We have done the extra work of building a path of tools and concepts anyone can walk. Of course, what is also true is that after a couple of quick wins, the deeper, longer work is ahead to experience profound, long term change.

Proper one on one or family therapy is a state licensed science. This program is an integration of psychological theory, change theory and theology. There are many situations (PTSD, G.A.D, Clinical Depression) that go beyond the scope of Capable Life. We help you manage anxiety that is generated from leadership and parenting challenges and pressures. We teach a model of ‘Systems Theory’ that can revolutionize your wellbeing, but we would not encourage you to see CL as a replacement for licensed therapy.

Capable Life takes the privacy of our members very seriously, as a result we do our best to ensure their privacy. All our tools and discussion forums are password protected and we utilize a web hosting provider who actively monitors the health and security of the site.
Some members, for their own reasons, choose a username that keeps their identity private.

We provide discounted coaching to CL members.  You can submit a request for group or one on one coaching here.

We offer a variety of ways to engage with Capable Life, but our best offering is to sign up for yearly access to our ever-growing library of courses comprised of 8-12 minute videos. You'll also get access to monthly zooms with our coaches, masterclasses, PDF downloads, and a growing community of people who want to be well while on mission.

YES! Unlike many memberships, our annual access pass holders get to retain ongoing access to all modules you complete. We will be here as a reference library for you long after you’ve paid.

Capable Life isn’t necessarily for everyone. We offer a monthly pass and for people who'd like to try some of our materials before committing to a year. Since we believe the annual access is the best option, we allow annual members to cancel for a complete refund within 30 days of joining if they don't find these tools helpful.

Podcasts hosted by Steve Cuss

Being Human and Managing Leadership Anxiety: Podcasts

After 196 episodes, The "Managing Leadership Anxiety" podcast has been rebranded to "Being Human" and is now hosted by Christianity Today.  You can listen to both by clicking below.

Listen Here

Books by Steve Cuss


"Managing Leadership Anxiety" and "The Expectation Gap"

This link will take you to Steve's author page on Amazon where you can purchase his books

Buy Here
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Lower Reactivity and
Increase Connection

CAP-ABLE reminds us that we can be a Connected, Aware and Present human in the work place and home place. We equip you with tools to notice, name and diffuse reactivity, first in yourself and then in your people.

© 2023 CAPABLE LIFE. All Rights Reserved.

Lower Reactivity and
Increase Connection

CAP-ABLE reminds us that we can be a Connected, Aware and Present human in the work place and home place. We equip you with tools to notice, name and diffuse reactivity, first in yourself and then in your people.