We help leaders and parents

Name recurring triggers.


Get relief from pressure.


Break stuck patterns.


Lead with freedom and peace. 

Then We help you do the same for your people.

Blue stacked

You can be a Calm, Aware, Present ABLE (CAP-ABLE) human
in the work place and home place.

Leadership anxiety is more complex than worry and fear.

It is a lava bubbling under the surface, ready to erupt.

When someone emails, 'we need to meet.'
When you're driven by control, perfection, approval or always being there for people.
When you keep running into yourself: your negative habits and tendencies.
When you struggle to shake criticism and wish you were thicker skinned.
When your inner critic speaks louder than the voice of God.
When work pressures and hurts stop you from being present at home.
When you make a mistake in public.
When you wonder how much longer you can go on in your vocation.
When someone violates your unspoken values.
When some of your team have their own meeting after the meeting.
When you're not sure how to address a staff member's chronic bad habits.
When you keep wondering, 'what were they thinking?'
When you find yourself triangled, in a double bind, or dozens of common anxiety generating dynamics.
When you see anxiety spread in a group, but don't know how to manage it.
When 'try harder' and 'more of the same' isn't helping.

These situations affect your capacity to experience the
peace and freedom that God offers.

The key is learning to manage 4 spaces in our life.

The space inside me. 

The space between me and another. 

The space inside the other. 

The space between others. 

I first learned these tools when I served as a trauma and hospice chaplain. Dealing with people’s worst moments and noticing my own reactivity was a baptism of fire. 

I had to learn how to manage myself so I could serve others. 

I use these tools every day in leadership, parenting and pastoring and I have been teaching others to do the same for over a decade. I can help you too. 

Let me help you go from being managed by anxiety to managing it with

Capable Life

Tools and strategies to help you in the work place and home place. 

You can go from spun up and reactive function as Calm, Aware, Present, Able humans amidst tension, pressures and triggers.

While deep transformation takes time, you can experience Initial relief after your first module. 

What is included:

1. Video Modules

Coming: Summer and Fall 2021:

A new module added every month.

2. Confidential Discussion Forum

Leaders need a safe place to share their heart and hear, ‘me too, you’re not alone.’ Our forums are password protected and designed to help you find support from peers.

When you’re stuck, have a case or a question, you can submit it for one of our coaches to guide you. 

3. Monthly Zoom Q&A

Join one of our certified coaches on a monthly zoom for Q&A, case discussions and updates on what you’re working on. 

Capable Life members currently come from 11 countries covering 15 time zones, so each month we offer an AM and a PM zoom options to cover your time zone. 

4. Also Included:

>> Self Assessments in each module to track progress and help you practice tools. 

>> Weekly support emails with links and tips.

>> Downloadable PDF references. 

>> Exclusive masterclasses featuring experts who take us deeper into one specific tool or concept.

>> Discounted coaching.

>> Access to affordable peer groups with a certified coach. 


Learn how to pay attention to anxiety in and around you.

Learn to quieten the voice of your Inner Critic and lessen its grip.

Change the dynamic between you and others in the home or workplace even if they DO NOT change.

Identify your unique sources of anxiety that keep you spun up and reactive.

Notice anxiety spreading in a group and move a group from anxious and reactive to calm and present.

Learn to identify traits passed down through your family of origin that help or hurt you in the workplace and in the home place. 

Become a guide, helping people get unstuck and free from toxic patterns. 

Learn how to discern typs of critics (usual suspects, helpful people, garden variety critics.)

Understand how you can displace anxiety with The Gospel in the moment.

These tools help you experience 

deep, transformative change, even if you have been stuck or spinning for years. 

Let me help you go from being managed by anxiety to managing it with

Capable Life

A powerful combination of tools and strategies designed to help Christian leaders in the work or homeplace function as Calm, Aware, Present, Able humans even amidst tension, pressures and triggers.

What’s included:

  • Video modules with actionable next steps. 
  • Self assessments. 
  • Monthly zoom calls with a coach. 
  • Confidential Discussion Forum. 
  • Downloadable PDF tools.
  • Weekly Email with reflection questions, discussion highlights and tool of the week
  • 6 Masterclasses yearly.
  • 20% Coaching Discount.

TOTAL VALUE = ($1469)

Regular Price = $380/year

Today's Price = $28/month or $280/year.

Steve has heart to heart conversations full of
compassion and wisdom.

I underlined almost everything in Steve’s book. Steve has heart to heart conversations full of  compassion and wisdom. 

Christine Caine, A21 and Equip and Empower.  


A trusted guide for those looking to lead as a “calm presence” in the world

When I think of the people who can best help leaders navigate the troubling effects of anxiety, Steve Cuss is at the top of the list. With profound depth of insight, humor, and empathy, Steve is a trusted guide for those looking to lead as a “calm presence” in the world. I’ve had him speak at our church, and highly recommend him for your personal life and congregation.

Rich Villodas, Lead Pastor of New Life Fellowship and Author of The Deeply Formed Life

Steve Cuss invites us to look more deeply at the way we lead and the way our teams function.

Every leader faces a unique kind of anxiety that comes from knowing that we are not quite what we need to be. With disarming vulnerability and keen new insight, Steve Cuss invites us to look more deeply at the way we lead and the way our teams function. Through guided personal reflection and system analysis, Steve imparts wisdom that will help leaders last and churches thrive.

Glenn Paciam

 You have been carrying pressures and triggers for sometime. 

You will not be different unless you do something different.

The most frequent response we hear is, “I can’t believe how quickly I broke some patterns. I wish I had these tools years ago.”

We stand by our training and strategies 100%. If you do not get a clear and transformative path to identifying and managing your anxiety in 30 days we will cancel and refund your membership. No hassle, no questions asked. 

Current Capable Life Members Say

Let me help you go from being managed by anxiety to managing it with

Capable Life

A powerful combination of tools and strategies designed to help Christian leaders in the work or homeplace function as Calm, Aware, Present, Able humans even amidst tension, pressures and triggers.

Inside You’ll Get:

  • Intro To Anxiety In You
  • Life Giving List
  • Universal Sources of Anxiety
  • Differentiation
  • Intro to Anxiety In Groups
  • Dynamics of Criticism


  • Video Catalogue
  • Monthly zoom calls with access to archive zooms
  • Online Community
  • Downloadable PDF tools
  • Weekly Email with reflection questions, discussion highlights and tool of the week
  • 6 Masterclasses yearly
  • 20% Coaching Discount

(Value $799)(Value $480)(Value $120) (Value $120

TOTAL VALUE = ($1769)

Regular Price = $380/year

Today's Price = $280/year


How much time will this take?

Some people use Capable Life like a self paced class. They watch a 10 minute video each week, work the discussion and zooms. This approach takes anywhere from 20 – 60 minutes per week, including discussion and zooms.  

Others use Capable Life like a reference library. They ‘pull a module off the shelf’ as situations arise, they join zooms only when they need. 

I am not a leader or a pastor, will this benefit me?


These tools were born from a theory called “Family Systems Theory” and can greatly benefit anyone who deals with home or work place dynamics. 

Do I have to participate in the online discussion?


The online community was provided so that you can share and receive peer support. However, if you are uncomfortable for whatever reason to get involved you do not have to. Some of our participants choose a pseudonym username for anonymity. 

What if I can't make the zoom meetings?

Our ‘office hours’ zooms are designed to address questions and cases when you need them. Few people make all the zooms. We encourage you to join at least 3 or 4 of the zoom meetings in a year. 

I have tried so many things to overcome my anxiety, what makes this different?

It is common to spend years carrying triggers and pressures. This theory is not a magic bullet, but because it is relatively unknown and quite revolutionary in its approach, many people experience early breakthrough and relief. We have done the extra work of building a path of tools and concepts anyone can walk. Of course, what is also true is that after a couple of quick wins, the deeper, longer work is ahead to experience profound, long term change. 

Does Capable Life replace therapy?


Proper one on one or family therapy is a state licensed science. This program is an integration of psychological theory, change theory and theology. There are many situations (PTSD, G.A.D, Clinical Depression) that go beyond the scope of Capable Life. We help you manage anxiety that is generated from leadership and parenting challenges and pressures. We teach a model of ‘Systems Theory’ that can revolutionize your wellbeing, but we would not encourage you to see CL as a replacement for licensed therapy. 

Is this a confidential space?

Capable Life takes the privacy of their students very seriously, as a result we do our best to ensure their privacy. All our tools are password protected and we utilize a web hosting provider who actively monitors the health and security of the site. 

What happens if I feel I need personalized 1:1 support?

We provide discounted coaching to CL members. Once you log in, you will see a menu item for coaching. You can submit a request for group or one on one coaching. 

How will the content be delivered?

You will have a member dashboard of categories: video modules, zoom meetings, masterclasses, PDF downloads. The heart of CL is a series of video modules made up of brief videos 8 – 12 minutes each. 

What kind of personal support can I expect?

You can receive support through submitting questions on our confidential forum, our monthly zoom meetings or reach out for additional private coaching. 

What should I do if I find that a few months in and I am not getting the results that I expected?

Our main desire is to help our students master their anxiety. If the program is not helping we would love to hear feedback from you so that we can propose a solution to help you make the most of the program.

For annual members, you can cancel for a complete refund within 30 days. For monthly members you can cancel at any time. 

You cannot read or listen your way to transformation.You need intentional tools and a proven path that we offer in Capable Life. 

You are only a few steps away from Calm, Aware, Present & Able life you desire!

Anxiety can be a heavy load to bear…especially for leaders just like you. Just living with it and letting it take control of you just isn’t cutting it anymore.

Now is the time to gain control of YOU so that you can possess and radiate the calmness & peace your people need!

Step Into Calm, Join Capable Life Today!

Let me help you go from being managed by anxiety to managing it with

Capable Life

A powerful combination of tools and strategies designed to help Christian leaders in the work or homeplace function as Calm, Aware, Present, Able humans even amidst tension, pressures and triggers.

Inside You’ll Get:

  • Intro To Anxiety In You
  • Life Giving List
  • Universal Sources of Anxiety
  • Differentiation
  • Intro to Anxiety In Groups
  • Dynamics of Criticism


  • Video Catalogue
  • Monthly zoom calls with access to archive zooms
  • Online Community
  • Downloadable PDF tools
  • Weekly Email with reflection questions, discussion highlights and tool of the week
  • 6 Masterclasses yearly
  • 20% Coaching Discount

(Value $799)(Value $480)(Value $120) (Value $120

TOTAL VALUE = ($1769)

Regular Price = $339/year

Today's Price = $280/year

CapableLife.me – All Rights Reserved